Job detail

ERP Sales Representative

ERP Sales Representative markets and sells Cloudempiere business solutions, mainly our Cloud ERP, CRM, and WMS to companies in Slovakia and abroad. Thanks to good communication skills he can transform solutions into an understandable form to the client's company.

Your duty will be to manage the complete sales process, including presentation, forecasting, and closure. Negotiate to price and define contract by agreement.

Job description
  • Based on the identified requirements he establishes contact with a potential client.
  • The goal is to transfer this contact to a business opportunity - active cooperation (from the offer, order, and contract to the implementation of the solution).
  • Conducts further negotiations to address new client requirements.
  • In the case of SLA contracts regular contact with the client is required while seeking new opportunities.
  • Responsibility for the level of services provided based on SLA-s and project contracts and for the compliance of these services with the offer and concluded contracts.
Basic processes
  • Market monitoring, needs analysis, coordination of strategy direction (corporate, sales), and offered portfolio
  • External communication with the client:
    • Establishing contact - visiting a potential or current client, needs analysis, offer
    • CRM processes - offer processing, acceptance of orders, concluding contracts, implementation of solutions, after-sales support (satisfaction assessment, resolving other needs and possible disputes, complaints), other negotiations - new needs, communication with the client at various levels, regular contact based on SLAs
    • Monitoring of implementation - compliance with conditions (financial or operational), possible delays, and subsequent coordination of business relationships during their entire life cycle and the life cycle of services provided.
  • Internal communication with the project team, product management, consultant, and developer.
Skills and requirements
  • Good communication skills both written and verbally in Slovak and English
  • Management by objectives
  • IT consulting - basics
  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) - advanced
Personality prerequisites
  • Responsibility for assigned tasks
  • Independence
  • Ambition
  • Notebook
  • Mobile phone
Salary conditions

By agreement according to the level of knowledge and experience. Starts from 1 500€.

*We are required by law to mention basic salary for the positions published. We fairly consider your knowledge and experience when offering you a position.

Why work with us?

We are suppliers of a business management software. Our mission is to simplify complex business processes with IT solutions. We build stable and competitive products that meet future technological trends.

Everyday challenges can be overcome just with the support of the team. If you want to gain valuable experience, send your CV and write us why we should choose you!

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