Multimodel Cloudempiere

Oct 11, 2017

Regardless of the nature of your business and the complexity of your organizations, the multi-architecture Cloudempiere allows you to model your business to enable its efficient management.

Adapts to your activities!

Cloudempiere is designed to handle complex high-volume activities. The multi-model allows the connection of multiple companies, stocks, and sales channels, as well as the use of multiple currencies, financial statements, languages and tax laws …

Cloudempiere and more companies

Cloudempiere is a multi-enterprise ERP that can consolidate data from your organizations and/or subsidiaries into a single solution and management, giving teams and leaders an overview of all activities. Each company can have its database of customers, products, and product catalogs, or it can share them in groups. Automates transactions between companies within the same group. In addition to horizontal integration in your company, Cloudempiere is configurable according to language, currency, and chart of accounts.

Cloudempiere as a multi-channel ERP system

Cloudempiere is a multi-channel ERP system that allows you to focus on the customer:

  • Customer relationship management: teams have a real-time overview of customers through various channels and stores, as well as transactions associated with it.

  • Integration of e-commerce and electronic services: ERP is the basis of transactions and online services for optimal management of customer service (price management, inventory availability, access to paid services, transaction information.

Cloudempiere is primarily a multi ERP. It is also multilateral, multi-stock, multicurrency, multilingual with multiple accounting and tax schemes. All configuration options for sales networks are enabled.